London Rollergirls are on: You can also find them on Facebook.
The above pictures brought a lot of traffic to my Flickr profile. On most days I get about a dozen views, whenever I do a major posting I get a few hundred in the 24 hours that follow, when I posted a batch of 35 Rollergirls pictures I got over 1600 views in 48 hours and it's still counting.
I don't think that the Rollergirl pictures are my best pictures; I did not even tell that many people about them; still they generated about 50% of the number of views that all my other pictures managed to make over the space of 7 months. What's that? I am sure there is an important lesson to be learned here... somewhere. What is it? I refuse to believe that all this traffic is due to the subject (good looking girls in short skirts) - there must be something else to it as well!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
LRG: Riots of Spring
Labels: london, photography, rollergirls
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Eastbourne Train Station
This weekend I went to Eastbourne, Sussex to hike across the 7 Sisters Cliff. It was fun - well recommended as an easy day trip from London.
This picture is just a quick over-the-shoulder grab shot. I was getting on the train and the colour of the sky was so good - so I just turned around and zoomed out very quickly during the 1/8sec at f/5.6 exposure (ISO 400). IMO: It came out amazingly! It was taken with Sigma 10-20mm; it is such a fun lens to play with. Note: this picture is 100% Photoshop-free.
Labels: london, photography
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Product Shot
A weekend project - no less...
Labels: diy, flashes, lighting, photography,
Friday, March 14, 2008
New Studio
London's full of warehouses converted to flats. They are surprisingly easy to find. I just moved into one and there is so much space...
Lighting info: no ambient light, 2 strobes (SB-24 and SB-26) one gelled blue, one with a DIY honeycomb.
Exposure info: Nikon D40 with Sigma f2.8/50-150mm at 50mm (1/30s, f/8, ISO 200), manual focus
Labels: lighting, photography,
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Composite shoot
This is a great post about making a very complex image. I always wonder how it's done for this type of picture. There are other great ideas on Brian Niven's blog.
There is also a really cool video on YouTube documenting Brian's workflow (well, sort of) on the photoshoot of Branden Steineckert, drummer from Rancid, and his dog.
Labels: flashes, lighting, photography, photoshop
Faces of Hackney??
I came across this website: Faces of Sunset Boulevard. It's amazing. I so want to make one like this about Hackney.
Labels: london, photography
Monday, March 03, 2008
Lighting Schemes - pictures worth thousands of pictures...
I have got this irresistible urge to try and reverse-engineer all photos in glossy magazines that I see. I can't help it, but to keep on analyzing shades, catch-lights and specular highlights for ages, just to try and guess how a picture was made. It's a condition that was only to be expected after my first strobe arrived, but it is getting worse.
Websites like this one and this one make it a bit easier to get the few basic setups visualized.
Labels: flashes, lighting, photography