Sunday, March 30, 2008

LRG: Riots of Spring



London Rollergirls are on: You can also find them on Facebook.

The above pictures brought a lot of traffic to my Flickr profile. On most days I get about a dozen views, whenever I do a major posting I get a few hundred in the 24 hours that follow, when I posted a batch of 35 Rollergirls pictures I got over 1600 views in 48 hours and it's still counting.

I don't think that the Rollergirl pictures are my best pictures; I did not even tell that many people about them; still they generated about 50% of the number of views that all my other pictures managed to make over the space of 7 months. What's that? I am sure there is an important lesson to be learned here... somewhere. What is it? I refuse to believe that all this traffic is due to the subject (good looking girls in short skirts) - there must be something else to it as well!

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